This is my attempt at giving short, weekly updates to my week regardless of how entertaining it has been. Kind of for the purpose of looking back on in a few years and thinking "Shit, I actually felt compelled to write this shit".
Every Tuesday.
Because that's how I roll now. May I introduce to you.....
So, really one of two things has happened here.
1: She thought to herself "Hmm, what could I possibly do to get back at the family that hates me for some weird reason I know I'll make a fake winning lottery ticket, which is conveniently the top prize.
2: She genuinely won a life changing amount of money, and instead of being happy... Thought she'd use it as some sort of test of friendship.
Call me cynical, but even if someone like that is now into a lot of money, I wouldn't want to be friends with somebody (or even related) to somebody who instead of being happy for themselves would rather wipe everybody's nose in it.
Plus, surely it'd warrant a more excited status instead of pessimistic "Everyone's a cunt and hates me" status.
Some people are just stupid
Some just love attention.
Some, evidently love both.
Every Tuesday.
Because that's how I roll now. May I introduce to you.....
Tuesday 25th June 2013.
Do you ever get those impulsive ideas that strike from nowhere? This is one of them. Granted, like my of my grand blog ideas this will probably have three volumes at the most before it gets completely buried in the proverbial room of junk that is my mind.
Things are good though, I discovered today that I am not moving out of my new flat already. There was a 'For Sale' sign outside, provoking a bit of worry if I was going to be given some sort of marching order.
I like my new place, I've been here for three months now, it's big, it's spacious.... Too spacious if anything actually.
It's sad, but for the first time in my twenty-three year life I have my own bedroom and living room combination, but this has only made me realise the sad conclusion that all I do in my bedroom is sleep. I have no pictorial evidence (yet) but it's too big to just sleep in. I feel guilty nearly every night when I walk in the room and think "Well, here I am in the bedroom.................. Off to bed I go". As if guilt free protocol would insist I do a few laps of the room, followed by some intense cardio training.
Speaking o'which, I haven't been to the gym in fucking forever......... Probably won't until Wednesday either for that matter, so there's that. Maybe in tomorrows entry I'll actually have something a bit more interesting to say.
Wednesday 26th June 2013
I hate waiting. There's so an intense feeling of monotony behind it. Especially when you don't actually have that long to wait.
If you have to wait an hour or two for something that's fine, you can do something to pass the time.
But when you have about twenty minutes for something that's a no mans land of boredom, you literally have nothing to do, you can't get into anything because the moment you indulge yourself you have to abandon it to go back to whatever the hell it is you're waiting for.
So here I am, writing this, just to pass the time, a dangerous subject when you have literally nothing but your own boredom to write about.
Ahhh, there we go. The house salespeople had a good mosey around the house, nice dudes as well, but it's horrible when you're giving three grown professionals a viewing of the flat you've lived in for just three months.
Me: "Okie-doki, here's the front room, pretty nice view from the window over there, especially when the sun sets"
House salesman 01: Ohh, nice set of instruments there. You're quite the musician then?
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Exhibit A |
Me:.....Umm......No, I'm absolutely awful at all three of them you know. [Nervous fake laugh]
House salesman 02: Well you know what they say, practice makes perfect.
This strange back and forth about my lack of musical progress went on for a while, we then for some reason cracked jokes on Girlfriend-faces hometown, as I then whinged about how I had no motivation to paint the flat.
All in all, it was just me, two salesman and a potential landlord listening to me drone on about the mundane details of my life.
I should have gave them a link to my blog.
Thursday 27th June
Fuck off.
Do you know what? Since purchasing it a few weeks ago I've fell in love with 'The Last Of Us'. So much so that I haven't even been addicted to it, I've played it every night for an hour (maybe two) or so just so I can have something to look forward to on the PS3 that night.
Now, the game can fuck off.
I have quite the temper playing video games, a foul one at times (Almost destroyed my keyboard playing a game of Football Manager).
So, let me just explain/justify my anger.
As far as I know so far in The Last Of Us, you get different enemies, soldiers, hunters and infected humans.
The soldiers and hunters are fine to deal with, you've just got to not get shot and stay clear of them.
The infected on the other hand, Jesus Fucking Christ.
You get two varieties that I know of so far.
Take the form of regular humans, who just jerk and thrash around making high pitch crying sounds, they creep me the fuck out, you think there's only one.....They see you and scream at you, next thing you know you're dealing with an entire fucking hoard.
Do you fight? Do you run? Do you shoot? Shit there's no time to think.
Then there's the Clickers.
Weird deformed, fungus headed blind cunts who just walk around clicking. They have incredible hearing so you have to sneak by them. They're impossible to kill via fists so fighting one normally's off the table. Oh and they can kill you in one hit/bite.
Runners by themselves are a nuisance, but tolerable.
The clickers by themselves are fucking terrifying, but again.... Tolerable.
Now I'm in a situation...... A shitty one.
I have tonnes of runners, and tonnes of clickers together.
Long story short. I die a lot. A fucking lot.
I suck at video games.
Friday 28th June
So there's been a lot of shit going down on my Facebook lately.
Now, I won't delve too much into it because it's a personal matter for those involved and I doubt plastering it all over a blog is what anyone wants to see.
Some distant family member has disowned her own family on a whim and ran off with some bloke she met on the internet, leaving behind her husband (or ex now, I s'pose) two kids and newly born grandchild. Needless to say whatever ounce of respect people once had for her is long gone now.
So, all of her status's lately are either "Oh I'm so happy, fuk da haters" posts (She's like, fifty as well) or jibes at her "so called friends" for thinking she's a bitch.
So today she posts this too Facebook.
So, really one of two things has happened here.
1: She thought to herself "Hmm, what could I possibly do to get back at the family that hates me for some weird reason I know I'll make a fake winning lottery ticket, which is conveniently the top prize.
2: She genuinely won a life changing amount of money, and instead of being happy... Thought she'd use it as some sort of test of friendship.
Call me cynical, but even if someone like that is now into a lot of money, I wouldn't want to be friends with somebody (or even related) to somebody who instead of being happy for themselves would rather wipe everybody's nose in it.
Plus, surely it'd warrant a more excited status instead of pessimistic "Everyone's a cunt and hates me" status.
Some people are just stupid
Some just love attention.
Some, evidently love both.
Saturday 29th June
I want a fucking Cheese Toastie.
It's cool I made one.
Ahhh, you know what? I'm just going to post this blog right now, maybe I'll post the 'Weekly D' weekly on a Saturday, that way it's like a Monday-Friday kinda gig. That, and how could I ever come up with deep, thoughtful and insightful stuff on a Sunday?
That's right I can't.
Be sure to check out my Twitter and feed some life to my otherwise dead account: DanzoIsTheBest
That, or look at the wonders of my Facebook: The World According To Danzo, Facebook page!