Channel: The World According To Danzo
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Pervert Hunting with Danzo. Volume One. Part One.


This blog post in particular is gross on more than one level. 
Reader discretion is certainly advised.

I think that may have been the first formal warning I've ever written, feels mature.

Alright, here's the thing.

Lately I've been trying to think of cool new blog entries to excite people with, a new niche was needed. Something that was "out there" but still readable and had an interest.

Then I figured I'd combine this desire with a sense of internet community service, I figured nearly 100 blogs in the internet has been kind to me, thus I will repay them. How?

By hunting online predators! 

Oh how I wish I was joking, Oh how I wish I could turn around right now and say "Haha" Don't worry this blog is about my opinions on trivial matters once more". But it's not.
I don't know what spared this on, boredom, a sense of justice and curiosity really, as a man I've always thought that online predators were incredibly over exaggerated, thus I never really cared too much about it. (Despite me being chatted up by one when I was fifteen here's a link to that post if you're curious). 

Now however I can safely say if I ever have a daughter, there is absolutely no chance in hell I'd let her anywhere near a chat room, and hopefully this post can raise awareness to this sort of shit, because I kid you not it did not take me long to find somebody and this may be a blog series that breaks the curse of three.

So I signed into a chat room under the username "Stacey-13-uk" That way it pretty much tells you instantly what you're signing up for, a UK bases thirteen year old named Stacey. I was pessimistic at first but then.....


So our predator will be written with a red font

Like this

And "Stacey the 13 year old" will have pink font

Like this.

My own commentary will be black and bold.

Like this.

Now that we're ready to go, let's begin.

Jones: hey
Stacey-13-uk-:): hi
Jones: Hows it goin?
Stacey-13-Uk :): not much pretty bored
Jones: Not much going on here, either
Stacey-13-Uk :): sux huh?
Jones: I'm just surfin the net, watching some videos online
Stacey-13-Uk :): i shud go bed soon but rlly not tired
Jones: I'm already in bed
Stacey-13-Uk :): well same but u knw what i meant
Jones: Best place to enjoy these kinds of videos ;) lol

Ohhhhhhhh dear. Just a little warning, if some dude bringing up his porn interest to teenagers disgusts you to a degree hit back on your browser now. Shit is about to get incredibly fucked up.

Stacey-13-Uk :): ooooooo
Stacey-13-Uk :): are they rudey ones
Jones: You ever watch videos like that, hon?
Stacey-13-Uk :): ummmm dnt think so
Jones: Ooh, you're missing out lol
Stacey-13-Uk :): really?
Jones: I saw one with a girl your age in once 
What the hell? Surely not? I take a while to reply due to having to save the conversation, that and I was slightly dreading what was coming.
Jones: Still there, Stacey?
Stacey-13-Uk :): haha sorry another influx of people
Stacey-13-Uk :): where were we?
Jones: It's ok
Jones: I just said I saw one with a girl your age in once lol
tacey-13-Uk :): oh what, 13?
Jones: yes
Now I just feel mildly ill. 
Stacey-13-Uk :): naughty naughty! Lol
Jones: She was certainly very busy
Fucking hell who even watches it for that matter?
Stacey-13-Uk :): how so?
Jones: It was her and three guys
Stacey-13-Uk :): ooohhhh
Stacey-13-Uk :): her age? or older?
Jones: Older
tacey-13-Uk :): Iv never been with an older guy b4
Jones: Would you like to?
Let me just confirm this now.

This wasn't after like an hour of lurking the chat rooms, this was literally one of the first conversations I had.
Stacey-13-Uk :): ummmmm i dunno
Stacey-13-Uk :): seems a bit scary at first
Jones: I'm sure you'd be ok ;)
Stacey-13-Uk :): I hope so
ones: Do you have MSN, hon?
Stacey-13-Uk :): I do
Jones: May I add you? It might be easier chatting there
Stacey-13-Uk :): absolutely

At this point I had to make a a fake MSN account for the occasion. After giving him the address I had an add request within minutes.

Owen says:
That's much better
Are you there, Stacey?
Stace says:
I am
sorry just closed that chat room down for good
too noisy this time of night haha
Owen says:
lol ok hon
A bit like the videos I'm watching lol (Sigh)
Stace says:
hahahahaha xD
Owen says:
Do you have a pic, hon?
Stace says:
Not of me right now
just got comp bk from PC world after the battery died

This was always a worry of mine. There was no chance in hell I was getting any pictures of real girls so a Sailor Moon picture had to suffice, pretty unrealistic for a 13 year old to have a display picture of a twenty year old anime but hell, he fell for it.

Owen says:
aww ok

Stace says:
so its all refomated or summin lyk tht
i cudnt remember!

Owen says:
Stace says:
wich is annoyin becuz all my other pics r on my phone whic is downstairs
n i dnt wanna wake my parents (Lying.... Like a boss)
Owen says:
Stace says:
poor me
Owen says:
I bet you're gorgeous
Stace says:
brb need a wee (I actually did, dunno why I divulged that information)
Owen says:
Stace says:
Owen says:
Welcome back
Stace says:
Owen says:
Big hug?
Stace says:
-insert hug emoticon here-
Owen says:
-insert hug emoticon here-
I would really love a big hug from you
For some reason, despite admitting to watching porn with a 13 year old girl in and you know.... Talking like this to one, this line really fucking creeped me out.
Stace says:
haha im not gr8 at giving them
Owen says:
What's to be good at? Put arms round and squeeze lol
Stace says:
i dunno people say i suck at em
woe is me (What fucking 13 year old girl says woe is me? Get in the game Daniel)
Owen says:
I bet you're great
And a good kisser
Stace says:
iv only ever kisses one boy
Owen says:
I wish I could help you practice (Words fail me)
Stace says:
i fink im a lost cause at that lol
Owen says:
Oooh I bet you'd be great at it
I wish I could find out lol
Stace says:
Owen says:
I bet you'd be great at other things, too
This is getting disgusting, furiously quickly.

Stace says:
lyk what
Owen says:
I can't say
Stace says:
Owen says:
Because of your age lol (How is that a concern after the shit hes already told us?)
Stace says:
oh yeah
Owen says:
Stace says:
but im curous now
boooo you
Owen says:
things like in the videos I'm watching lol
Stace says:
oh ur rudey ones?
Owen says:
yeah lol
Stace says:
tut tut
Owen says:
I bet you would be, though
Stace says:
be what?
Owen says:
Good at those things (Odd bet to make)
Stace says:
but i dunno what that isssss
Owen says:
Hmmm... want to see pictures? lol
Yes..... Because that's what a thirteen year girls want. 
Like fuck was I taking that offer up, imagine having to explain that to the police. 
Stace says:
i better not, this is dads laptop  (Smooth)
Owen says:
Shame, they're good lol
Stace says:
haha id be bad at whatever it is
Owen says:
Would you be willing to try?
Stace says:
ummmm maybe
i guess i need 2 learn 4 when im older right?
This was basically me acting the sort of innocent girl just wanting to be popular role, you know real sleazebag bait. 
Owen says:
Wish I could help you
-Insert kiss emoticon here-
Stace says:
you could?
how wud u help?
Owen says:
Oh yes - love to help you practice
By doing things with you, honey
Stace says:
lyk what
Owen says:
hmmm... you could practice giving head
There's no point in repeating 'Staceys' age. We all know the point of this blog but it just stresses the fact that this guy is happily talking to a girl one year into her teens like this.
Stace says:
iv never given head before
Owen says:
Would you like ti?
Stace says:
i think so (I THINK SO ISN'T A YES OWEN!)
Owen says:
Then I wish I could help you practice
Stace says:
how old r u anyway, i forgot
Owen says:
Stace says:
oh cool
never been with someone that old haha
Owen says:
Would you? (Monumentally grim)
Stace says:
giv u head?
Owen says:
Stace says:
i think i wud u know
Owen says:
Stace says:
all the boys like that sort of thing 
Again, going for the girl who just wants acceptance in society. 
Owen says:
I would really love it
To have your mouth around me 
I think I puked in my mouth a bit at this point.
Stace says:
is tht how u give super good ones/ 
Oh god, "super good ones" if there's one thing evident here it's that I am NOT a 13 year old girl and I certainly don't know the mechanics to a decent blowjob. 
Owen says:
mmm yes
Stace says:
see learnin already
where do u live?
Owen says:
London - you?
Stace says:
Milton Keynes. 
I didn't want to just make any old shit up, so in addition to using Girlfriend-faces real name I also used her real home town, losing my smoothness right here.
Owen says:
Stace says:
its not
it sux (That's also true)
Owen says:
brb honey - I'm going to cum
Remember a minute ago when I admitted that I really went for a wee, I thought that was too much information. But nooooo that's fine "brb going to cum!" is apparently socially acceptable to anybody, anybody at all of all ages. Crikey. 
Stace says:
lmao oki doki
Owen says:
Wish you were here
Stace says:
i dunno what i cud do if i were
Owen says:
Would you suck me, honey?
Stace says:
it depends
wud u be nice to me, and not be mean (Not sure what I was going for here)
Owen says:
Of course!
I wouldn't be mean to you
Stace says:
Owen says:
-Insert some sort of fucking shitty, creepy emoticon here-
And would you suck me, honey?
Stace says:
i wud
Owen says:
mmm and let me cum in your mouth?
Oh my god. This kind of takes the biscuit a bit now. 
Stace says:
Owen says:
Going to cum now... (WHHHHHHYYYYY?)
Stace says:
haha have fun
Owen says:
Imagining your ass... (The ass of a 13 year old girl I might add)
Stace says:
my bum?
Owen says:
Ooohh that was good (Well, now that's me sleeping better tonight)
Stace says:
Owen says:
ok, NOW I'll be able to sleep lol
Stace says:

is that u off to beddy byes then?
Owen says:
I think so, honey
Thank you for a lovely chat
Stace says:
no worries!
I'll see you laters

So, you'd think after his wank he'd be like "Ohhh fucking hell what have I done?" and delete "Stacey" off hotmail and never speak of that moment again right?


Three days later (yesterday) he was back, and divulged more fucking horrible information to me.

However this post is going to be miles long if I post that conversation here, so look out for part two.

Seriously though, I'd share this shit, let people know that things like this can happen pretty fucking easily, and people like this exist. 

Much Love

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